Girls Trip 2012

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step….

Or rather 15,467 of which we took yesterday - oh Lord my feet were tired. It seems I'm certainly accomplishing one thing on our Girl's Trip - tiring Chloe out!!  She has went to sleep before me (a rarity at home) for the last 4 nights - and had to be woke up in the morning (not a rarity at home!). We covered but a small piece of the Las Vegas pie but seen some sights!  Went to the Outlet Mall in the middle of the day - which made for some frequent ventures into stores we really had no desire to be in (No Al not those kinds of stores!!  hahah) but just to soak up their air

Girls Trip 2012

Remember the Berlin Wall??

OK well we've hit Hell's Wall - holy mother of God it's hot - reminds me of living in the Okanagan well maybe a few degrees hotter but not many!!  Chloe not liking this heat so much - she's more of a winter lover - FREAK!!  So this is Chloe's new best friend...we call her Spray Fan! We bought it when we were at SeaWorld the last day - you fill the bottom with water and the little fan mists you with it...I'm sure she'll fill it today and carry it for the remainder of the trip.  Actually if you look around they will spray you in & around Vegas.  I pointed out to Chloe t

Girls Trip 2012

Viva Las Vegas!!

Good Morning! Soon we'll be winging our way to Vegas and the heat, heat, heat - temperature is sitting around 40 degrees there for the time we will visit. Yesterday we spent the majority of the day at Seaworld - was much quieter as we had seen most of the park on Wednesday so got to do some people watching...and let me tell you there are lots to watch here!  I'm positive that Latin people travel in packs....always - what I noticed it was usually 6-8 women (of all ages) and then only 1-2 men (usually submissive) - very animated conversations and he was usually pushing the b

Girls Trip 2012

FLIP – Navy Research Vessell

The other day while out on our SEAL tour - we actually floated past one of these cool things!!  FLIP - Floating Instrument Platform.  It wasn't in its upright form but rather docked at the Navy wharf near the section where the Navy Dolphins & Seals live.  Had to come back & google it so I could share it with you all.  Here is my picture as it sits beside the dock - looks pretty unassuming - just a big cannister like object. People have actually thought it was a gas tank. I'm attaching the link ( ) - you can only se