Girls Trip 2012

Hello Victoria!!

We arrived Thursday night - and I must say we flew Alaska Airlines from Vegas and it was quite nice....OK no TV's like Westjet but the prop plane we flew from Seattle to Victoria was almost brand new and was a very nice short trip - I'm thinking I'd like to check Seattle out one day - not really sure what's there but it seemed interested what we could see.  The airport is quite large - we had to take 3 trams from one gate that we arrived in - to the departure gate. It gave me the impression that I might be a good navigator on the Amazing Race as I went marching through like

Girls Trip 2012

Goodbye Vegas!

Well our time has come to good farewell to Sin City and head to a cooler climate...and by that I don't mean cool as in hip but cool. I see Victoria's temperature is around 18...which is about 22 degrees different from here - my tanning time has come to a close. We were up and off to Serendipity 3 this morning by 8am so we could enjoy the delicious waffles which we shared as there is no possible way one person could eat all that. The streets are so quiet in the morning - only a handful of people up and about then - lots of jogger's getting their run in before the heat takes

Girls Trip 2012

Day 10 & still smiling!

Howdy Everyone!! Well I had this very lengthy post - with lots of pictures, links & humor but it didn't seem to want to post and sadly I am starting fresh! These past few days have flew by - and sorry to see this is our last day in Vegas. Tomorrow we will venture out in the wee hours of the morning to Serendipity ( to have one of their to die for belgium waffles - the link as a beautiful picture of what I will consume for breakfast - all 2000 calories of it. Then we will c

Girls Trip 2012

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step….

Or rather 15,467 of which we took yesterday - oh Lord my feet were tired. It seems I'm certainly accomplishing one thing on our Girl's Trip - tiring Chloe out!!  She has went to sleep before me (a rarity at home) for the last 4 nights - and had to be woke up in the morning (not a rarity at home!). We covered but a small piece of the Las Vegas pie but seen some sights!  Went to the Outlet Mall in the middle of the day - which made for some frequent ventures into stores we really had no desire to be in (No Al not those kinds of stores!!  hahah) but just to soak up their air

Girls Trip 2012

Remember the Berlin Wall??

OK well we've hit Hell's Wall - holy mother of God it's hot - reminds me of living in the Okanagan well maybe a few degrees hotter but not many!!  Chloe not liking this heat so much - she's more of a winter lover - FREAK!!  So this is Chloe's new best friend...we call her Spray Fan! We bought it when we were at SeaWorld the last day - you fill the bottom with water and the little fan mists you with it...I'm sure she'll fill it today and carry it for the remainder of the trip.  Actually if you look around they will spray you in & around Vegas.  I pointed out to Chloe t