Well in the blink of an eye we are starting September 2012 – I’m always mystified at how quickly time goes by and have asked many of my peers (read into that OLD people in my life…..HI Mom, HI Dad – tee hee hee) “Does time slow down when the kids are all grown, we’ve done all the major tasks in life, our jobs are routine”?? The answer always seems to be a collective NO! Hmmm but does it slow down when we are old – and by old I mean over 80 – when our days seems to be nothing more than getting up, shuffling to the dining room, eating, shuffling back to our respective rooms, and repeating this action for the next 2 meals that are served to us? Doesn’t it seem then that time would stand still because nothing much is happening around us?? I’ve got a few years before I hit 80 to find out the answer to that question. Actually I can tell you I want to be one of those 80 year olds that does crazy stuff – you know to make my heart remember what it’s like to be alive. Maybe I’ll learn to play an instrument then – or go white water rafting.. actually I want to do that stuff way before I’m 80.
Alas September has greeted us at the door this morning – you know fall is in the air – leaves are changing colors & dropping here. Good old frost warnings are being announced on the weather report and kids are back to school on Tuesday. Ah yes school – the time when parents are rejoicing and kids are sour faced. Not in our house this year – Cooper has told me he’s ready to go back – wants to see his friends and start a new year. He’s headed to Grade 6 – it’s interesting as I can sit and reflect back remembering Grade 6 for both Colton & Chloe – it doesn’t seem so long ago – the edge of the milestone to where they become teenagers.
Our house is very interesting right now – Colton is preparing to start College on Tuesday – he’s taking his journeyman welding. There was a time when I said a lot of prayers for Colton just to survive another day – to break free of the rough road he went down when he was a teenager and now here he is going on 7 months of living back under our roof. He’s come a long way and the joy we see in his eyes shows that he is happy with all he’s accomplished in these past few months. He’s been away from school long enough to find real excitement at going back – and we’re pretty happy for him.
Chloe is all done – and doing back flips that she doesn’t have to go back. She slogged through High School and so far no plans to darken the door of any educational institute in the near future. Although she’s just really wading into the whole working at a crappy job experience so we’ll see how long that last. A few weeks back she was complaining that she has to work weekends all the time and doesn’t get to spend it with her boyfriend….Me being Me, I quickly interjected that had she listened to her Mother – taken Office Admin at the College she could find a great office job – work Monday to Friday with weekends off….OH YES I DID!!! Her response was yah I guess so – although it was mumbled and rather hard to make out she said it (score one for Mommy!!). I know she’s going to mature over the next year or two and realize that she needs more education and I’ll be her number one cheerleader when that day comes.
Fall 2012 brings big plans for Clark & I – we have decided to test our marriage and build a house. We’ve owned a piece of land for 2 years and not really committed to doing anything with it but after much discussion we realize now is the time to shit or get off the pot. So we’re committing ourselves to this 5 year project – most of which will be yard work as we have our house builder picked out. Thankfully this is our 2nd acreage we are developing so we’ve learned from our previous mistakes and are ready to improve on some old ideas. The boys are extremely happy as they’ll get to play on the quads, build jumps & bring home stuff to take apart & rebuild only to leave at Mom & Dad’s when they move away. Chloe is still wondering about getting a horse and wanting to make sure there will be a room for her – and actually Colton wanted to make sure there was a room for him too which tells me we are doing something right when the kids don’t want to leave. Clark, of course, is building the monster shop he’s always dreamed of – or rather he’s proposing it to the County and prepared to fight for every last foot of it. I’m just wondering if I’ll get that green house I’ve always wanted – whenever I’m down in Victoria at my Dad’s I always go into his and dream a little dream….
Clark has dubbed our new acreage “Poverty Acres” I’m inserting the before photo – and along the way will update on my blog the progress we are making.
That’s it for now – Cheers!