Miscellaneous, Uncategorized

Ahoy Matey!!

I can honestly say this has been a very rewarding & fun-filled summer for the Smith Household. We've been very active and are sad to see it coming to an end with school starting in just over a week. Lucky for us it won't stop there though - Cooper & I are headed out camping mid-September - close to where Clark is working so he can come stay with us at night but we'll be on our own during the day. I had some sorrow well not on my pocket books behalf but in the fact I am now only buying for one student - you know supplies, clothes, etc. It's strange as it's been many

Miscellaneous, Uncategorized

The little quirks

Well I certainly didn't expect to be this absent with my blogging - have been doing lots of thinking and I also have a book I write stuff in to make notes for future blogs but just have been busy until today.... As I was hanging my laundry I thought that seems like such a good blog to write about. I actually don't mind doing laundry - I would rather do that than say clean a bathroom (ugh my least favorite thing to do) but I starting thinking about laundry as I was hanging Clark's underwear - hahahahah. I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to laundry in all truthfulness - I li

Miscellaneous, Uncategorized

The Boys survived…

Hello Everyone! Well back to reality is right - sure is easy to come home and fall right back into busy life in the Smith House. Although I did take a day and spend it with my Father in Law at an Antique & Collectible auction - now I know what you're thinking "She just told us about donating stuff and here she is buying more shit (OK that was my husband's quote) but in my defense I only spent $17.88 - it really wasn't as much as my F-I-L but then again he has a lot more room to store it. So I felt obligated to give a brief story as to what the Boys did on their holida

Miscellaneous, Uncategorized

Things you don’t need….REALLY!

I can honestly say I always have a To Donate box on the go - it usually takes me 6-8 weeks (sometimes quicker if I am being really ruthless) to fill up and drop off. It has turned me into a bit of a box collector as I always want to have one available - when I was working at the School District I was able to bring the paper boxes home which are perfect size but alas I'm no longer there so always looking for my next box fix. What kind of stuff to I put into the box - you know it's those things lying around that you'll never use - really never use even though you think one d


Prized possession

MADE IT!!! We are safe & sound and back to reality of everyday life - no more restaurant food, rental cars, or beautiful weather! Actually that's a lie - it's a nice warm no wind day here in Alberta - thank you weather gods! It may have been a harder pill to swallow if it had been a shitty day here - always hard coming home from Victoria - the scenery is simply easier on the eyes than the bare ass prairies.  Oh I know what you Albertans are thinking we have beautiful scenery and I agree but not immediately where I live - no big mountains, lush green forest or blue ocea