I am now beginning to feel the time crunch of leaving for 2 weeks on holidays – really there is so much to do before Monday @ 6am how will I ever do it all??
OK if you are a woman & you’ve read that statement and can relate we need to talk!! Why do we do this to ourselves?? Does the house really need to be cleaned before leaving on holidays – oh I know what you’re thinking – it’s nice to come home to a clean house…well yes it is but it’s also nice to leave on holidays with less stress knots in the shoulder/neck area! Now let’s reflect – I am not leaving the house empty – there will be 3 men….well 2 1/2 Men….YIKES. It’s really just something that was ingrained in me from my own Mother – we’d be going somewhere and she’d do a full top to bottom cleaning – of course I never paid much attention back then but I’m sure she was asking herself why she was doing it. Part of that I’m sure is that my StepDad was pretty anal about the house & its presentation and I’m pretty sure my Mom’s Dad was the same way. Lucky for me Clark is rather laid back – as long as he has clean clothes & food he’s never gave me the stink eye about the condition of the house – even when the toilet has gotten to that stage of embarrassment. OH yah I said it – we’ve all been there (if you haven’t please skip down to the next paragraph) – you know the toilet gets to the point where you question sitting on it. God I hate cleaning toilets so I’m the type to push it to the limit…many times. I mean look what we’re doing to it – an outhouse seems like a much better idea – once it’s full move the house to a new hole – no fuss no muss!!
So back to the anxiety of I’m leaving in 3 days – have chores to accomplish and here I sit on the computer catching up with people & their lives. Colton has asked a few times (in jest) what I’m cooking & freezing for them to live on while I”m away…my very quick (was it too quick?) response was NOTHING!! Coming back to the Mom – she’d have had a freezer full of food which is her way of showing she loves her family – I’ll be brining them back a gift – a cheap trinket that they’ll look at – thank me for – then toss into the corner of their room – that’s my way of showing love – hahah. OK need to sign off – the dryer is buzzing, the floors are dried and the oven is ready for the first prebaked meal to go into.
Ciao, S.